To kick things off we’re opening up our current pre-alpha build of Slime Rancher to all our newsletter subscribers! That’s right, no teasing screenshots or gifs of our slimes in action. This is our very first newsletter and we’re happy to say, it’s quite a special one.

Hello! Thank you for subscribing to the Monomi Park Newsletter. Slime Rancher is a blast! Just be warned.even though it's in its early state, it's already addictive! Hopefully they won't mind me putting this here, but, heck, welcome to the party! Here's the email I got: P.P.S wait a mo' Is there a wiki I can go look for confirmation of something? Because by the way it phrased (feed slimes get plorts) and the way I saw you collect them In the video (like comment subscribe your welcome) it appears that you are collecting and then selling (or whatever you do with them) slime excrement (which I am totally fine with, It actually for whatever reason makes it cuter to my sick mind) How does one get into the Alpha/Beta whatever this is? Is this a "Sign up and enter/maybe enter" or did you get in just because you are known to Nick and or the other developers? *Collapses in catatonic anticipation as he slams his face into the "Sign up for our newsletter" button* Not to mention the fact that the game is about slimes and Nick is the father of all slimes. The SK/pokemon/Zelda references are literally oozing out of of SR (which it must be referred to now because acronyms are cool) what with the name of the company the leafeon logo and the SKish art style (and yet somehow cuter, which I didn't think was possible) and the Zelda-esque Open world with dungeon/cave like areas abounding. hmm, besides that I am super hyped for this, didn't the original trailer say it was coming early 2016 or something? I NEED TO KNOW We all do know that this is almost year old news right?.