“Financial support from a school’s ‘end product’ is what helps to sustain a great institution in perpetuity and allow it to flourish academically,” says Schifrin. Ursinus’s 10-Year Median Donations per Student was reported as $5,269, and the 3-Year Average Alumni Participation was 18.9%, making our 2017 Grateful Grad Index Value 73.26 and securing Ursinus a space firmly in the top 200 at 107 (up from 111 last year).

“Great colleges produce happy and successful alumni-who give back in droves,” says Matt Schifrin, the managing editor of investing, markets and personal finance who developed the methodology. The 25 schools on the list below all excel both academically and in sports: 1. Find statistics, consumer survey results and industry studies from over 22500 sources on over 60000 topics on the internets leading statistics database. American business magazine Forbes surveyed more than 30,000 workers to compile its 2017 list of the country's best employers, many of whom turned out to be based in the Bay State. Tuition costs 40,310 a year, up nearly 30 from the 2010 2011 academic year. High School Graduation Rate Tops 80 Percent, Report Finds, Washington. Be on time for all classes and to bring all of the.

It analyzes both the median private donations and gifts per student over 10 years, as well as the alumni participation rate, which is described as the percentage of graduates that give back to the school with donations of any size each year. The magazine named College Prep the 17th best private high school in America. Niraj Chokshi, For the First Time, the U.S. Students should: Complete their work to the best of their abilities while allowing others to do theirs. Students may submit up to six poems or three works of prose (totaling 3,500 words) for consideration. The list is comprised of private, non-for-profit colleges with more than 1,000 students. Sponsored by the Adroit Journal, the Adroit Prizes reward high school students and undergraduate students for producing exemplary fiction and poetry.